Suitable data structures:
Particle flow - suitable for particle-based fluid flow models such as dissipative particle dynamics, smoothed particle hydrodynamics, etc.
Lattice flow - suitable for quadrangle lattice based models such as lattice Boltzmann equation, lattice-gas automata/cellular automata, etc.
Domain flow - suitable for computational electromagnetics in multiphase and multiple domains materials using quandrangle lattice.
Phase-field - suitable for plotting materials microstructure with or without texture information, microstructure evolution in materials processing, solute and temperature distributions, etc.
Numerical calculation of z=f(x, y) Cartesian equation
The numerical solution for r= f(q, j) polar equation
Data obtained by other means to compare with numerical solutions of above equations
Some output features:
Property distribution at surface, cross section planes or volume
Phase or domain boundaries
Texture of materials grains
ISO surface of properties or phases
Contour line distributions in planes
Flow velocity in plane or volume
Flow streamline in planes or volume
Plotting serial datafiles and save as movie files
Not suitable for:
Mobile phone installation
Data from adaptive lattice structure
Painting and drawing
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